Saturday, April 3, 2010


Made it back to Baltimore last night, and after a few hours of stowing the boat, started a truly impressive two days leave. A chance to recover physically and mentally from all of the work we've been doing for the past month. It has definitely been hard, but i find myself getting more confident by the day.

So now it's waiting for the next thing... finishing up odds and ends, practicing sailing and gear up for the season. I think I might almost be ready in time.

But for right now, I relax, catch my breath, and enjoy this little coffee shop, because that's part of it. When you work, you work till you're done and more... and when you're off, you get all the rest you can, because work is coming again.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Currently underway, but stood down.
Yesterday was amazing and awe inspiring and a little frightening. It showed me exactly what I need to be prepared for.
We set all the sails for the first time yesterday. It showed me how much I need to learn, how much stronger my back needs to be, how much thicker my hands need to get.

But it also reminded me why I'm here in the first place. Going aloft and seeing her shadow as it raced across the water... Feeling the heel of her as we cut through it. The gentle roll of a nice cruise.

It was a long day, for certain, and at the end I was ready to turn into my bunk and get some sleep and recover a bit. It was overwhelming, without question, but also inspiring. I know where I need to get myself. I know what I need to do. Soon we'll be sailing regularly, so I need to get my comfort zone together before that, and then I need to make it muscle memory, so I can do it without thought.

Also, perhaps rope pullups... which reminds me, I need to buy some rope. Perhaps after a paycheck or two. We'll see you soon, Baltimore.