Thursday, June 28, 2012


Thr day started with an extended swim caland our first splatline of the year. The students and crew had a good time, and the water was refreshing. All hands feeling refreshed and clean we set our sails and cruised off the hook.

It was a short hop to Bath, but things got complicated quickly. It turns out that their fancy new dock doesnt have he water for us to tie up. While the captan dealt with finding us a place the crew went aloft to harbor stow everything. She looks nice tonight.

So now energy is high as we head for Kingston. It sounds like we have to head back to Bath in the morning, but none of that matters now; The crew is ready for it. We are gatting better by the day, and these students are steping up to the bar we set.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Stood down from the 0300to0700 with a belly filled with breakfast. It was an easy watch, making six knots under topsails and fore sail. the headsails and main topmast staysail are set but we are on a downwind run so the squares are carrying the load.

Rumor has it that we will anchor tonight in Prince Edward Bay, but at this point that is just rumor. There is also talk of possible swim calls during the day. Only time will tell. On a related note, I believe I forgot my shampoo... oh well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Under sail in lake Ontario.

Getting ready this morning took longer than was anticipated, but it has proven to be all worth while. The majority of my day was taken with putting the boats davits back in place. Simple things can take surprising time.

We cut out into the lake and took a brief spin into the Niagara river. In that visit we were fired on by Fort Niagara, but sadly had no charges to spare to fire back.

Now we are crusing at seven knots if I had to guess, Toronto off on the far horizon and Kingston ahead of us. We are told that we will stop in Bath first for a few days before docking at the fort in Kingston. I know nothing of Bath, so hopefully that will be an adventure.

The students continue to exceed my expectations, and I hope they can keep the enthusiasm going.

Looks to be  beautiful night of sailing.

Monday, June 25, 2012

06/25/2012 part two

Tied up at the end of te Welland canal for the night. It has been a long day, but we have clered the locks and are ready to rig her back up.

Not much else to say, but it was worth noting.


Through lock eight of the Welland Canal and we think we are all set for the rest. This new group is proving better than we expected; very resposible and eager for their age group.

I am excited for our arrival in Kingston, having not been at a festival since last year. I understand why some people do mot care for them, and I have definitely burned ut on them in the past but it is usually a fun break in routine.

I a currently stood down but the schedule is a bit in flux so I do not know when I will be back on. down to rest while I can.

Friday, June 15, 2012


We are back in Erie after a sucessful voyage. A days rest was given to the crew and now a weekend of daysails has started. Today we are running programs with SeaGrant and Gannon University; Short education sails is my understanding. I am not on the sails today, sadly. My arm was hurting enough to warrent a doctors visit and I have been placed on restricted duty to let it rest.Laundry duty fo me. I suppose it isn't much to write about, but laundry day for the ship is alwas an imtersting thing which pushes the nearest laundromat to its limit. We took the majority of the washers, and now in the drying phase have had to leave a few loads waiting. It seems like it would be rude to tie up all the dryers... We are not the only ones here. It is always an odd momnt though, seein the ship sail off without you.

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Another day, and the wind has magically held. If this contimues we will be blockading Port Colborne tonight to stall for our morning arrival. It is difficult to write about these calm, easy days because they are so uneventful. The are wonderful, however; the ship does what she was built to do. It is a beautiful thing.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


We spent last night in PIB, with the usual revalries that happen there.We also found our boat covered wth mayflies, requiring two deck washes to get the bulk of the infestation and the resulting corpses clear. We find ourselves on the way to Port Colborne with a small cadre of dragonflies to clean up the last of the mess, and I have just been stood down for much needed sleep. my feet are finally dry from the constant firehoses and i will sleep to a comfortable downwind run.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Another day on the water. The voyage contines with a day of beautiful sailing mostly in the wrong directions. The wind has been strong enough mostly, but inconsistant in direction and almost never useful. We have had a lot of sail handling though; chasing the wind around the compass. The trainees are coming along impressively, and I suspect that if we finish with a pinrail chase it will be more intene and competative than the last. My shoulder is acting up, an I think I have some swelling. I mentioned this to the med officer and we agreed if it was still a problem when we get back to Erie I will get it looked at; hopefull that wont be necessary.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


A new voyage with a new set of trainees has started. Captian says we are off for PIB, and then Port Colborne. The crew has high hopes for thi trip, with capable and eager students who have already been in a few tense situations. So far both daysails we hve done with them have involved some level of squall; today is pleasant and easy by comparison. Each trip the crew gets stronger and more closely knit, but I think the trainees are becoming more important to our well being. With any luck, all the groups will be as good as this one.