Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Wild Rumpus

So this is, I think, my first real deviation on theme here, but one that I think is worth it. Maurice Sendak has passed away. I saw him speak a few years ago, and the man was kind of insane and terrifying, and I believe a little terrified about the world that has come to be. But he was still brilliant. I really don't think I can sum up the importance I think that he has had in the world; the lessons that he taught those of us who read his books, or had them read to us. So I guess all the things I want to say sum up with a plea, and a warning. If you have kids, or grandkids *coughMOMcough* read Where the Wild Things Are to them. They should hear it. You should make funny voices while you do it. And if I know you, and you have kids, I will find a way to get them a wolf suit. Let the Wild Rumpus Start

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