Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today we woke to milder weather and got to work. There was a bit of bopping around on a below decks clean up and a deckwash before we got into the harder stuff.

We had to push up the main t'gallant mast, so we marched the capstain round and sent it up. There were a full ten of us on the bars, and many hands make light work so it was a comfortable stroll around the deck. Then I went forward to get the jibboom ready to put aboard. I got to climb the stays to hang a rig tackle from a strop about half way up the fore stay. Then we ran that to the dock and hooked it to the jibboom and hauled it up and onto the ship, eventually running it onto the bowsprit.
Then I helped with getting the martingale and the backstays ready and on the cap, along with the iron for the flying jibboom. It was right around here that the snow started to come down heavy and start sticking. We eventually had to knock off early because it was getting too deep and slick to safely work.

I finished my day with laundry for the first time since coming to Erie, and it was good.

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